Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Why Should You Outsource? Costs or Value?

Managers are fully aware that “money saved is money earned”. So what should do you when you are looking to outsource- look for cutting costs or adding value? I would say you should only outsource when you see outsourcing adding value as well as cutting costs. Cost benefit analysis should not be the only reason for outsourcing telemarketing services, but it is an important one. Call centres provide an host of services required by businesses that not only help reduce costs but also add value to the organization as it is necessary for an company to maintain contact with new and existing customers.

The business world is cut-throat, fast paced and competitive. Constantly evolving, your company has to be able to respond quickly to market changes, if it wants to survive. But, if you don't have the capabilities to deal with them effectively, it can be very damaging to your overall business. You should take into consideration outsourcing and take action to outsource. By outsourcing, you are letting someone who has the best tools available to focus their energy on successfully dealing with these issues, whilst you concentrate on the heart of your business. A doctor is not expected to answer all the phone calls coming into his office at all times nor can a company be in touch with its customers all the time, you realize, finally, that you cannot possibly get all the tasks done by yourself. You need help. Where can you turn? The answer is to outsource your “non core” business functions to streamline your business, cut costs and provide value added services to your customers at the same time. The basic concept of outsourcing is to hire someone to do a job, in turn saving you time and money. While outsourcing for any service, it is highly important to find the right fit for your company.

Having discussed the benefits of outsourcing, the question is who should outsource- is outsourcing only for the big boys or small and medium businesses (SME’s) can also reap the benefits of outsourcing- the answer is yes. Outsourcing is here to stay and benefit all strata’s of society as it has a viral effect of inducing competition and increasing efficiency. Many businesses use outsourcing as a permanent way of doing business as outsourcing has helped them to cut costs, keep their businesses afloat, be more productive and profitable. As a business owner you need all of the help that you can get and in a cost-effective, dependable way.

Many businesses are increasingly recognising the importance of BPO (Business Process Outsourcing), which are designed to allow companies time to focus on their core activities, it is seen as a strategic management tool to help support the other business functions: More and more companies are finding outsourcing services useful as they are able to maintain relationship with their customers while saving time and money. Outsourcing can be your secret weapon to cutting costs and adding value at the same for your organization.

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